LGBT Americans

Democrats stand with the LGBT community's fight for equality.

Democrats proudly stand as advocates for the rights and equality of the LGBT community. Our commitment extends to eradicating anti-LGBT violence, bullying, and discrimination, ensuring that every LGBT American is treated with the dignity and respect they deserve in their communities, workplaces, and schools.

Under Democratic leadership, remarkable strides have been made in advancing the cause of the LGBT community. We have achieved significant milestones, including the passage of hate crimes legislation, the prohibition of discrimination against LGBT individuals by federal contractors, and the removal of the ban on transgender military service. Reflecting on the past, it's noteworthy that only two states initially guaranteed marriage equality, and today, it is enshrined as the law of the land in all 50 states.

While these accomplishments are both significant and historic, we acknowledge that our journey is far from complete. Progress, as learned from experience, is often achieved incrementally.

Democrats remain steadfast in their commitment to pursuing further progress. Leaders in Congress and across the nation are poised to stand shoulder to shoulder with the LGBT community, working tirelessly for complete equality under the law. This commitment extends to ending harmful conversion therapy for LGBT youth and ensuring full legal protection for transgender Americans.

The journey towards full equality involves addressing not just the legal landscape but also societal attitudes. Democrats recognize the importance of fostering understanding and empathy to bring about lasting change. By championing policies that promote inclusivity, Democrats aim to create an environment where every individual, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, can thrive without fear of discrimination.

Our ongoing commitment to the LGBT cause is grounded in the belief that everyone deserves to live authentically, without the burden of prejudice or discrimination. Democrats understand that building a society where everyone can be themselves requires continuous effort and a dedication to dismantling barriers to equality.

While celebrating the achievements made thus far, Democrats remain focused on the path ahead. The commitment to fighting for full equality, ending harmful practices, and ensuring legal protection is unwavering. By fostering unity and understanding, Democrats aspire to create a future where every member of the LGBT community can live without fear, fully embraced and protected by the laws of our land.


What Does LGBT Mean? Know the Basics.